My electricity or energy storage

Magazynowanie energiiEnergy from photovoltaic installations is stored in specially designed battery sets. It is thanks to them that you will be able to use electricity whenever you need it. Batteries are primarily used in off-grid photovoltaic installations, i.e. those that are not connected to the power grid, but are also found in hybrid systems. Solar PV with energy storage is a great solution for both households and corporate facilities.


Usable energy without secrets


Wondering what happens to electricity that is not used? The surplus electricity produced by the photovoltaic installation can be used in two ways:

  • return it to a power company and use it, for example, in the winter season, when the level of sunlight is much lower,
  • store in your own battery packs.

W pierwszym przypadku nadwyżkę oddaną do sieci można wykorzystać w przyszłości, na przykład w sezonie zimowym, gdy ilość energii pozyskanej z fotowoltaiki spada w związku z niższym poziomem nasłonecznienia. W drugim przypadku natomiast należy posiadać specjalistyczne akumulatory, dedykowane do tego typu zastosowania. Energię w nich przechowywaną można wykorzystać w dowolnym momencie.


If you don't buy - you'll pay anyway


Our clients are often concerned about the costs associated with the purchase and installation of photovoltaic installations. In fact, this money will pay off within a few years, as the owners of solar systems become electricity producers and gain energy independence. If customers do not spend money on photovoltaic installations, they will still have to bear the costs associated with energy consumption from the utility company.

We would like to remind you that there are many different forms of financing that can reduce its cost.


System off-grid 5

The off-grid system 5 is designed to secure supplies for primary consumers and use
larger customers, e.g. air conditioner, washing machine, etc. on sunny days. Suitable for camps, apartments and
cottages by the sea without access to electricity

system schemat